It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
This week's This or that Tuesday:
1. Do you prefer silence or do you like background sound (music, TV, etc)?
Background Music but only music I like or able to tune out to.
2. Bathe/shower in morning or evening?
Both actually. It's been too hot here lately.
3. Sleeping in complete darkness, or with a nightlight on?
I prefer complete darkness, but have been known to sleep with the lights on when tired. In fact, I just woke up from a nap just now.
4. Lay out clothes the night before, or just grab what's closest in the morning?
I wish I can more organised but mostly I panic 10 minutes I'm due to leave the house, hence: question 8.
5. Hang up/fold clothes neatly, or just toss them wherever?
I would hang up/ fold them but neatly or not is another matter.
6. Work out at a gym, or at home on your own (or do you not bother with exercise)?
Erm. I should really do more exercise now. I'm really unfit.
7. Talk on the phone, or via IM/e-mail?
Depending on whom of cos. There are people I dont even want to communicate with either way.
8. Are you usually on time, or late?
Mostly on time, if you think waiting 10 minutes after is still ok. I usually try my darnest to be on time though. Reason why I may not? See Question 5.
9. Spendthrift or frugal?
Pretty much frugal.
10. Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: You work with someone who is not in the habit of bathing regularly. The smell seems to be getting worse and worse! Would you: 1. try to do something about it, or 2. try to grin and bear it? If you said 1, what would you do?
It depends how closely I have to work with the person. But given the weather here, that's going to be hard to find!

Speaking of work, I just started my new job today, and the people are nice and friendly. I think all is well. I can't help but to compare it to my last workplace, but I hope to get out of that habit soon. It's not a fair thing to do at this point in time, is it?
But I am damn tired today. I think it's because everything's new to me and all. I came home after dinner and slept like a pig for 2 hours. I really shouldnt have done that cos I dont know how I'm going to sleep later.
posted by Sharon K at 8:27 am
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Sunday, May 25, 2003

Enough is Enough

After 5 and a half years working as part-timer/full-timer and part-timer again at a major book/music store, I called it quits on Friday. I felt a little strange and nostalgic about the entire thing but then it's only for the books, the cds, and the people I worked with who have become friends over the years. I'm going to start a new job on Tuesday and it is pretty exciting.

Wish me luck!
posted by Sharon K at 8:19 am
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Wednesday, May 21, 2003

God Damn the Weather!

It's been oppressively hot here and it's unbearable. The average temperature now is about, what, 35C. Everything just slows down, or shuts down on account of the heat. I read somewhere that for the human brain to function properly, the surrounding temperature has to be about 27C. That would explain why my brains are fried and I'm existing almost like a zombie. To make matters worse, the block next to mine is currently undergoing massive renovation and the goddamn blasts wake me up without fail at about 9 in the morning. I know that's not very early but considering that I sleep at about 3 or 4 every night, it just kills me.

To escape the heat today, I went downtown to watch Matrix Reloaded for a second time. Admittedly the decision was last-minute and fueled by an almost desperate need to get out of the mid-afternoon sun. But the movie actually made more sense the second time round. I wouldnt go so far as to claim that the movie is an intellectual one but it certainly provides the springboard to think about loads of stuff. It's amazing to see that there are lots of sites popping up discussing the movie. The most noteworthy of which are Matrix Essays and Matrix Theories. They are really well-written and thought-provoking. Check them out.
posted by Sharon K at 11:46 am
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Tuesday, May 13, 2003
From David:
Identify yourself using the songs of one artist/group : Yo La Tengo

yo la tengo
1. Are you male or female? Tom Courtenay
2. Describe yourself: Little Eyes
3. How do some people feel about you? Sugarcube
4. How do you feel about yourself? A Worrying Thing
5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: Nowhere Near
6. Where would you rather be? From a Motel 6
7. Describe what you want to be: Blue Line Swinger
8. Describe how you live: (Straight Down to the) Bitter End
9. Describe how you love: I Was the Fool Beside You for Too Long
10. Share a few words of wisdom: Today is the Day
posted by Sharon K at 10:12 pm
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Too Tired to Sleep

To be so tired that one can feel every single muscle screaming for attention is a sadistic awareness. One feels almost separate from one's body as one lay there, counting every muscle by the different aches they produce.
To be so tired that one cannot fall asleep is an agony. It is then you realise that you have over-estimated yourself and been running on empty for too long. The best thing to do at this point is to prop your legs up and listen to the various complaints that each aching muscle has and when they are done bitching, they may just finally let you go to sleep.
posted by Sharon K at 9:49 am
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Friday, May 09, 2003
Ok. This is very scary: (via Dan)

I'm currently rotting on Dante's 5th Level of Hell!
posted by Sharon K at 9:18 pm
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Thursday, May 08, 2003

Happy Anniversary to me!

It's been about a year since I started blogging. I learnt loads of things since then, especially from Mike as I often bothered him for help with my template. Thanks Mike! I wanted to "celebrate" by getting my own webspace but then.. i don't really know if i want to "commit" to it.


It's been really serendipitous actually, this whole business of blogging. But now, I like reading updates from the people I've linked to. I like reading Taz's wild stories, wowing at Bin's pictures, reading Kelly's illustrated adventures, and about new music from David and of cos, Mike ...etc. There are just so many more.

A new link today as well: define random

Sometimes there are dry periods with nothing that is remotely blog-worthy. But I think that happens to almost everyone and it's not that big a deal.
Thanks everyone. It's been fun.

posted by Sharon K at 3:27 am
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Saturday, May 03, 2003


I keep putting off the things that I have to do for a couple of days now. Mundane but important stuff like editing my chapter for the thesis, reading up for the next chapter etc.. But I just somehow don't want to do it. Instead I'm fooling around with some pictures I've taken. They are not good but it's just for fun:

I've got more pictures, but no web space to host them. More space! :0
posted by Sharon K at 10:48 pm
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Wow. I can't believe what a boring week it has been. Nothing interesting, or rather, blog-worthy, happened. However, I watched some of the Film Fest shows on Thursday. So maybe I will talk about that instead:

Salo is really disgusting! It's just gross. If I were to watch it at the time it was made (60s), I think I will really gag. I also watched 24 Hour Party People, which is mainly about Manchester and the music scene there. Tony Wilson and Joy Division, Happy Mondays, Inspiral Carpets etc. It was really pretty good.

I watched Xmen 2 the other day as well. I really cant say that it's very good, cos you sort of know what to expect. Its director, Bryan Singer, is also the director for the excellent Usual Suspects, and I can't help thinking that he has sold out a little by doing the Xmens. Has anyone else watched it yet?
Right now, I'm waiting for The Matrix Reloaded, opening May 16. I hope that will be good.

P.s.: michelle, if you are reading this,

Happy Birthday!!

I'm sure you are having fun over there. Take care though. Missed talking rubbish with you.
posted by Sharon K at 4:13 am
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Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. --Einstein.

You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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