It stands for everything that's been lost
Monday, July 28, 2003

my own private idaho

I'm been thinking of getting my own web space for a long time now. But there are so many things to think about: Can someone tell me if there is a way to import all the archives from the blogspot site onto the new one?
posted by Sharon K at 8:33 am
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Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Some Pictures!

After neglecting my digital cam for the longest time, I decided to take it out to play today.

old skool washing machine.. retro!

the red windows!

where i hang out before work everyday for smokes

starfucks through the maze of my mind in the mornings

posted by Sharon K at 11:51 am
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Saturday, July 19, 2003

Cab Addict: Intervention Needed!

or if anyone can suggest a 12-step program...

cabs on the streetI hate having to take a bus to the station, and then take a train whenever I go out. Although the train station is within walking distance (albeit for one with bigger lungs and longer legs than what I actually possess), it's just not worth the effort. And when you are inside the train, you have to contend with so many people just for the elbow space; it gets on my nerves all the time.

Now, cabs are different. You just stand at the edge of the road and vaguely/ half-arsedly wave your arm in the general direction of the on-coming traffic, and boom! cabs galore! a cab pulls up by the kerb and takes you anywhere you want to go. I've been doing that alot lately. Not so much in the mornings, cos I figured it's better to be squashed with people who probably have just bathed before going to work than people who are going home after a gym session or something equally olfactory-offensive in the evenings.

But cab rides are expensive. I'm broke half the time because I take cabs so much. I NEED HELP!

posted by Sharon K at 10:40 pm
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Saturday, July 12, 2003
Oh dear (Help!): I cant seem to get Wilco out of my system!
Does anyone have any recommendations?

Note to Self
Some CDs to check out :

p.s: I think i'm now a "weekend blogger," which also says a lot about my not having a life :'(
posted by Sharon K at 2:06 am
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Saturday, July 05, 2003

we are what we read

Pete's comment (see previous post) about noticing what people wear/read on the train gets me thinking how one can sorta guess at the kind of person someone else is just by noticing what kind of book s/he is reading. Of course, one is never solely defined by the type of books/music one enjoys, but I can't help but think that it must be a certain kind of people that reads and enjoy certain types of books/music. I have friends who only read non-fiction, and who think that reading fiction is a waste of time, and also friends who think conversely. For me at least, I don't mind either, but what I really don't understand is romance novels. I mean, I know I'm a girl and everything, but the romance novel is so predictable. Throw in a heroine/princess/modern-day independent woman with a rogue/mystery man with secrets in his past etc.., a "misunderstanding" of some kind/ crisis that throws them together, and mix well with sexual tension that explodes as often as bloody possible, and you get a romance novel.

You don't actually have to read them, do you? I mean, before you start reading, you already know what is going to happen next, don't you? What's the point of reading (in general, not just romance novels) if you already know the plot? That's the real waste of time, is it not?
posted by Sharon K at 10:32 am
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Friday, July 04, 2003

Wilco and Coupland

it's become so obvious/ You are so oblivious to yourself

I had Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot for the longest time but it was only recently that I realise what a great album it is. I mean, I liked it when I got it the first time and everything but its multi-layered beauty was not revealed to me until I listened to it on the train again a couple of days ago. I remember that it was raining pretty heavily, and somehow the songs mirrored the pensive (but also pretty tired: imagine going to work squeezing in the train on a rainy morning when ideally, you should be sleeping at home) mood I had.

Train rides are often a drag in the morning, but they afford a chance to think random thoughts. From frivolous thoughts like "what the hell was she thinking when she puts on the polka dot blouse with a striped skirt?!" to more serious stuff like "Do I want to take the same bloody train to a place I hate every single day of my conscious life?" But more often than not, I'm always reading on the train. It makes the train ride pass much faster, and when I'm occupied with a book, I don't usually get annoyed with people on the train. Ironically, as the train transports me to a place I would rather not be going, reading (right now, it's Coupland's Microserfs for the zenith time) transports me to a place where I'd rather be, and this starts the day off on a better note...somehow
posted by Sharon K at 8:45 pm
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You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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