It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, July 19, 2003

Cab Addict: Intervention Needed!

or if anyone can suggest a 12-step program...

cabs on the streetI hate having to take a bus to the station, and then take a train whenever I go out. Although the train station is within walking distance (albeit for one with bigger lungs and longer legs than what I actually possess), it's just not worth the effort. And when you are inside the train, you have to contend with so many people just for the elbow space; it gets on my nerves all the time.

Now, cabs are different. You just stand at the edge of the road and vaguely/ half-arsedly wave your arm in the general direction of the on-coming traffic, and boom! cabs galore! a cab pulls up by the kerb and takes you anywhere you want to go. I've been doing that alot lately. Not so much in the mornings, cos I figured it's better to be squashed with people who probably have just bathed before going to work than people who are going home after a gym session or something equally olfactory-offensive in the evenings.

But cab rides are expensive. I'm broke half the time because I take cabs so much. I NEED HELP!

posted by Sharon K at 10:40 pm


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