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Saturday, July 05, 2003

we are what we read

Pete's comment (see previous post) about noticing what people wear/read on the train gets me thinking how one can sorta guess at the kind of person someone else is just by noticing what kind of book s/he is reading. Of course, one is never solely defined by the type of books/music one enjoys, but I can't help but think that it must be a certain kind of people that reads and enjoy certain types of books/music. I have friends who only read non-fiction, and who think that reading fiction is a waste of time, and also friends who think conversely. For me at least, I don't mind either, but what I really don't understand is romance novels. I mean, I know I'm a girl and everything, but the romance novel is so predictable. Throw in a heroine/princess/modern-day independent woman with a rogue/mystery man with secrets in his past etc.., a "misunderstanding" of some kind/ crisis that throws them together, and mix well with sexual tension that explodes as often as bloody possible, and you get a romance novel.

You don't actually have to read them, do you? I mean, before you start reading, you already know what is going to happen next, don't you? What's the point of reading (in general, not just romance novels) if you already know the plot? That's the real waste of time, is it not?
posted by Sharon K at 10:32 am


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