It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, August 30, 2003

Random: the cool and the not-so-cool

I stumbled across this papercraft site. You can basically fold pop-up models of virtually anything here! From T-Rex to Neuschwanstein Castle, Jimi Hendrix guitar to Shakespeare's Globe Theater! Even Bill Gates' House!!

I am feeling worried about something. But then, at any possible time of the day, if I'm not sleeping or stoning out, I'm always feeling worried about something or the other. I'm a goddamn worrywart, that's what I am. If I don't worry about something, I worry about not feeling worried. If I worry too much about something else, I obsess that I'm just overreacting. It's taking a toll.
posted by Sharon K at 8:04 pm
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Monday, August 25, 2003
What does it say about a person who finds both the Powerbook and the old-fashioned typewriter equally appealing?

One represents the fast, bright, and almost clinical efficiency that the future promises; the other evokes images of a darkened smoky room with a writer (a la Jack Kerouac) who, dreading the agony of another impending writer's block, is furiously pounding away at the keys of the typewriter.

Of course, the reality is somewhere in between.
posted by Sharon K at 10:14 pm
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Sunday, August 24, 2003
Feeling: random
Listening to: I don't know what to do with myself White Stripes
coming up next: Last Kiss Pearl Jam

I was watching a world music special on MTV last night and some guy was crooning something in Italian (I think) and it was so soothing and nice; I was almost in love with the song. It was only maybe 2 minutes later that I realise that I have no idea what he's singing about; I mean, he could be cursing me/or someone else for all I know. But the song..! It's really gorgeous. I know this is like a big cliche but music is really universal, huh, or at least international, anyways.

Today's random picture:

my friend's typewriter
posted by Sharon K at 12:13 am
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Tuesday, August 19, 2003
It's been a shitty couple of days; it's just a general malaise that descends like a fog. I'm getting worried about getting a regular job. Not that I want to, but I do need to save up big amounts of money if a backpacking trip in Europe is ever going to be possible.
I'm reminded of a memorable line from the movie Fight Club: "The things that you own end up owning you." That is so true! I'm a sucker for new gadgety things that I know, deep down inside, I don't really need. (ref: post on the IPOD). One day, I want to fuck it all and just live at a goddamn cottage by a nice lake or something and just chill.
posted by Sharon K at 10:05 pm
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Thursday, August 14, 2003
I stumbled across this from Kierkegaard which I thought very appropriate for the blog:

"So I am not the one who is the lord of my life, I am one of the threads to be spun into the calico of life! Well, then, even though I cannot spin, I can still cut the thread."

posted by Sharon K at 12:07 am
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Thursday, August 07, 2003

I want one of these!

My discman has been acting up these couple of weeks, and I'm pissed about it. It skips for no apparent reason and the battery life has been reduced drastically. It has been with me for about 3 years now.

I have to listen to music on the way to work. There's no way in hell I will take the train listening to disgruntled people bitching on their mobiles or schoolkids giggling at everything and nothing in sight. My discman has served me pretty well for the past 3 years but it's irritating to bring along different cds. And just imagine having to change your cd while standing up in a crowded train.

I want one of them ipods! Now!

posted by Sharon K at 10:41 pm
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Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Some more random pictures:

facade of a building

my funky pen

the keyboard abstracted

posted by Sharon K at 9:49 am
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Sunday, August 03, 2003

Psycho Alert!

Hmmm. A Personality Test with a twist.

So according to it: I am all of the following:
  • Paranoid (very high)

  • Schizoid (very high)

  • Schizotypal (high)

  • Antisocial (high)

  • Borderline (moderate)

  • Histronic (high)

  • Narcissistic (very high)

  • Avoidant (moderate)

  • Dependent (low)

  • Obsessive-Compulsive (high)

  • ssshheeeessshhh.....
    posted by Sharon K at 8:56 am
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    Real life sucks losers dry. If you want to fuck an eagle, you've gotta learn how to fly.--from the movie Heathers.

    You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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