It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
sorry all, for not updating. That is, if anyone still checks this site out.
Nothing much happened this week or so. It's been spent in more or less a blur. But what really grossed me out is this:
This is William's new album cover to his debut CD "Inspiration" and we have 4 sample sound clips! The album ships April 6th, will retail for $12.98 and include both a full-length CD and DVD with "A Day In The Life of William Hung". We will be making this CD/DVD available to pre-order soon online, along with an exclusive t-shirt bundle offer.

For the love of GOD!
Enough already
posted by Sharon K at 9:18 pm
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Monday, March 22, 2004

you mean you only knew this now?

From BBC, a research surfaced, arguing that iPod allows for the reorganisation of personal space.
Through interviews with Walkman owners and now iPod buyers, he [Dr. Bull] found that listening to music acts as a shield, aura or cocoon. Using headphones helps to keep the world at bay and reclaim some space. Donning a pair of earbuds also grants a certain amount of licence. They let listeners become witnesses without the risk of getting too involved. The earphones absolve them of some responsibility.

But what you listen to and when has a more subversive edge as well. It can undermine some of the messages aimed at you. Shopping for food while listening to a Bach violin concerto completely remakes the experience. It turns you from a grazing animal into something finer. In the same way listening to David Bowie's The Laughing Gnome would radically alter a dressing down from a policeman.

However, I'd like to point out that there is often a flip side to everything. Being permanently plugged, there are lots of things you tend to miss out on commutes. For me, just the other day, I was rushing up the escalator because I mistakenly thought that the train was arriving, when it was just the music to which I was listening, and I fell down! It wasn't much, but my shins hurt like HELL. And there is some nasty bruise too! God.
posted by Sharon K at 3:43 am
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Just when I am losing faith in the postal system, since I never get a call back from all the resumes I've sent out, I finally got a call-back today!! And it's for a pretty good position, one I thought I would never get.

Ok. Here's the deal. I have NOTHING to wear for the INTERVIEW! I have a black skirt that looks more or less presentable but that's about it!! I have no good shoes, all i have are sneakers, trainers, birkenstocks, etc. HELP!! And exactly how important is a jacket anyways?

posted by Sharon K at 6:48 pm
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

now for some real fun

From Massimo, this test seeks to find out what type of man/woman you are most attracted to. I'm alright with what they have chosen for me, though the type that they are certain will turn me off really did. So. According to them too, I'm like super-picky as well.


God, i feel superficial!
posted by Sharon K at 5:41 am
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Monday, March 15, 2004

this is fun!

If you are interested to test the rationality of your belief in a God, this is the place to go. As you think about the qualities that God should have, the game will tell you if your belief is rational and/or consistent.

My Score is 0.9 out of 1.0!
Plausibility Quotient = 0.9

The metaphysical engineers have determined that your conception of God has a plausibility quotient (PQ) of 0.9. A PQ of 1.0 means that as far as the metaphysical engineers can determine your conception of God is internally consistent and consistent with the universe that we live in. A PQ of 0.0 means that it is neither internally consistent nor consistent with our universe. More than likely, your PQ score will be somewhere between these two figures. But remember that this is your PQ score as determined by the metaphysical engineers.

What kind of God is that!?

The metaphysical engineers are happy to report that, to the best of their knowledge, the God you conceive is internally consistent and could exist in our universe. But they are less sure that what you have described deserves the name of God. She is not, for example, all-powerful. A God which knows everything or is totally benign may be a wonderful ideal, but is she really a God unless she has ultimate power?

We suspect that your God is not the traditional God of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim faiths.

What's your score? But I guess if one truly has a strong unshakeable belief in an omniscient being, more commonly known as God, they probably won't need to take a test anyways. But it's all in good fun.
posted by Sharon K at 11:38 pm
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Saturday, March 13, 2004

a very boring saturday

Another week has just flew past, and I'm not sure if I was all there when that happens. Time just passes so much faster when you get older. I remember when I was younger in school, it just seemed like an eternity to school holidays, and then another eternity to just get out of school.

But once I get out of school (which technically wasn't that long ago) I just want to plunge back in. I suppose it's the security of structured school life, with everyone knowing exactly what they are doing (or most of the time anyways): they are just supposed to get through the day, the assignments, the exams etc. But in real life, that doesn't happen. It seems that everyone has their own personal agenda and sometimes doing a good job just isn't on it.

People are weird!
posted by Sharon K at 1:19 am
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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I want this!

drool!Blame it on consumerism, but new stuff are dropping off the production line faster and better these days (it's always been but now it's almost a scary phenomenon). It's not even 2 years since I bought my digital camera and now, it's so troublesome to bring it out because it's so huge! It's also obsolete! And for the price I paid for it 2 years back, I could have gotten a much, much better camera!

I wonder how long I have to save to actually get the camera!
Damn consumerism!

posted by Sharon K at 4:12 am
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Friday, March 05, 2004
It's been an uneventful week for me. Back to work, but after the enforced 4 days at home of rest, every small thing seems to be too much of an exertion. I didnt even go out after work; I just head straight home to sleep. Well, I'm going out tonight after work. But only for dinner, and it's only because there's nothing on TV.

Oh well.

posted by Sharon K at 11:53 pm
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You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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