It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Introducing...The Cubes!

This is so sad yet so.. so...familiar.

via Cool Hunting.
posted by Sharon K at 9:10 pm
(2) comments
Friday, January 21, 2005

It's hot and crowded

Went out to town today to run errands, do some shopping and watch a movie with a friend. But since it's a public holiday, the whole world was in town and the day quickly turned rather bad. Since I hardly go near town in the weekends, the sheer number of people is just overwhelming sometimes.

And it was really hot today which made the whole trip even worse. Looking at the list I made for today (yes I make lists), I didnt do about half (which is 3) and that is very irritating for me. Some days you just can't win them all.

The good thing about public holidays though is that there is a sale almost everywhere. And since Chinese New Year is coming up as well, the stores are just going mad offering discounts. So instead of the 3 things I missed on my list, I got instead: Douglas Coupland's Eleanor Rigby. Being a Coupland fan for so long, I'm almost embarrassed that I didnt get the book earlier. Borders was having a 15% sale so it would be even more criminal if I didnt get it today. I also got me a CD: the excellent Ted Leo& The Pharmacists. The stupid part was that B. didnt have the CD I wanted, and they only have 1 of his albums anyway, so I just got it, without realising that it's only a EP! I feel stupid.
posted by Sharon K at 9:40 am
(5) comments
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Pass the Baton..

This looks kinda fun. Thanks, mike!

1. What’s the total size of music files on your computer:

13.28gb in iTunes

2. What is the last CD you bought?

Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes, TV on the Radio I heard good things about it and I hope this is one of them stuff that grows on you but I really dont like it that much.

3. What is the last song you listened to before you read this post?

Like Herod, Mogwai (album: Young Team).
Feel a little under the weather, listening to Mogwai makes me feel better.

4. Name four songs that you listen to a lot or that mean a lot to you.

Consulting iTunes for a play count, it's
i. How to be Dead, Snow Patrol
ii. Ladies & Gentlemen We are Floating in Space, Spiritualised
iii. Untitled 3, Sigur Ros
iv. Gravity, Embrace

Although this doesnt necessarily mean that these songs mean a lot to me. That's a whole different list altogether.

5. Which three people are you passing the baton on to and why?

erm. Randy, Troy and Massimo
(no particular reason).
posted by Sharon K at 5:01 am
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Monday, January 17, 2005

Books and more books

I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife the other day. It took me a long time to read it cos it's such a huge book that I cant lug it around so I can only read it during the weekends. I got it really cheap too (S$5 I think), at a book warehouse sale where I also carted home loads of other stuff (which I havent got down to reading yet).

It's quite a good read though all the different dates/times (cos of the time traveling) were a bit confusing in the beginning. It's a love story in essence, but told in a different way. Not bad, but I dont think it's something I'd pick up and read again. 3 stars.

What I really really want to read though is Nick Hornby's The Polysyllabic Spree. I've been checking out the bookstores but none of them has it in stock yet. It's a disgrace really! But I've placed my order with Kinokuniya so I hope to get it within the "2 weeks" they promised me.

In the meantime, I'm reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera. I'm about 100 pages into the book, and I'm sorry to report that I dont see what the hype is about. It's not bad but it's not like, wow! you know? Maybe the wow! will hit me later in the book, which had better be quick cos I'm losing my patience with the book, and I'm never one to force myself to read from cover to cover if the story doesnt hold me.
posted by Sharon K at 12:18 am
(1) comments
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Random is the New Order

The new ipod

I will be calling the Apple Store every.single.day until they have stocks of the new ipod.

...What is it about apple products that make me want to rush out and give them all my money?
posted by Sharon K at 5:48 pm
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The Anti-Trend

There's sure to be a backlash somewhere.

The Livestrong wristbands are so wildly popular that they are backordered 3 weeks on the website. And people are having a field day putting them up on auction sites. All of a sudden, it's cool to wear a wristband and there are so many colours available now (not affiliated to the Lance Armstrong Foundation though)

Yes, I do have one (thanks, mike). Call me shallow, whatever, but I think I will order this one too. "Live STRONG, Die HARD" does have a nice ring to it.

*image/artwork from deviant art
posted by Sharon K at 4:12 am
(2) comments
Friday, January 07, 2005

Yes I'm starting the new year with a rant. You got a problem?

Talk about overkill. If I hear Maroon 5's "She will be Loved" one more time, I swear I will either smash the radio or go stark raving mad. It's a rubbish song with a rubbish MTV to match. It's absolute crap! How can anyone like this shit!
Hoobastank is another one. FOr goodness sake, these are in all likelihood one-hit wonders. I once had to go through Hoobastank blasting in the backroom with only "The Reason" on repeat.The whole day.For a week!
posted by Sharon K at 4:08 am
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