It stands for everything that's been lost
Thursday, May 09, 2002
I envy people who can wake up early so their day will seem longer somehow. I made a pact with myself that i will drag myself out of bed earlier today to go swimming. But of cos no such luck. The alarm clock goes off, I take a swig at it, and I sleep on till about 2. Disgusting! At first I thought that staying at home 3 days a week (I'm only working 4 days) will drive me mad, but I'm beginning to adjust. I have time to do whatever I want, whenever I want. But more often than not, I'm probably not doing anything at all. haha.
I have grand plans for the holidays: I want to read everything I can, mostly to learn new things. And I am already on the way! Learning to put this website together has forced me to be more open-minded about things, to be resourceful and everything. But the bad side is that I'm begining to resemble a hermit of sorts. Because I'm a part-timer, I don't have much income to go out alot, so I stay at home most of the time. There are times when the house is simply not big enough for me and my parents (who are retired and stay at home anyways). sigh. The good and the bad I guess!
posted by Sharon K at 1:55 am


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