It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
I just saw a cockroach! It's the really scary kind that flies around so fast that you can't take a swing at it with your rolled up newspapers. Oh it just flew inside my brother's room. Oh well. So long it doesn't come out, I'm ok with that.
I was trying to fix up my website, and I'm convinced that colour schemes are one of those things that you are either good at it or you are not. And you will know it both immediately and intuitively. I belong to the latter. It's disgusting trying to match colours. I was trying to change the colour of the scrollbars for every one of the page, and I almost pulled my hair out. I decided to fuck it. Who the hell notices the fucking scroll bar anyway! I wonder how geeks do it. Do they have a instinctive sense of colour? They can't ALL have it, can they? I decided that it's either they've got it, or they've got too much time and they finally try every goddamn colour in the universe against every other (I'm sure that they can calculate the permutations crap just like that!) to get the match. I give up!
posted by Sharon K at 11:24 am


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