It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
I know that I must be going mad when I woke up this morning, attempting to make a deal with the weather. You see, it was pouring this morning, and it was extremely hard for me to get out of bed. I kept on smashing the snooze button on my alarm clock. And the rain just went on.. I remembered something like: ok, if I get up right now, you have to promise me that you have to rain like this tomorrow morning cos I'm off, ok? You promise? You sure?" I didn't grasp this immediately when I was actually saying it but when the full gravity of the incident hits me in the shower, I was quite worried for my mental health. But then I figured that I'm probably getting old. I went out with Si after work and we had some fun just bitching and ranting. But I met my ex-bf at a food court. So unlucky! He must have cursed me cos almost everything went wrong for me today. No wonder my eye is twitching non-stop the whole day. I must remind myself to buy lottery tomorrow. 2105. haha. The fucker!
It's almost 2 in the morning, and since I'm getting old, and my body is not what it was before, I should probably get some sleep. I had better wake up to the sound of rain falling or I'm waging bloody war against the weather.
posted by Sharon K at 11:00 am


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