It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
I was thinking about the whole "game plan" of life. It occured to me when I was going to work this morning that life is a computer game. The "characters" in the game do not know that they are in a game, of course (think The Sims). We are all programmed to be a certain way; I guess that's where stereotypes come from. It is an extremely boring game because like The Sims, you have to sort of wait for things to happen to your Sims, like a promotion, or a fire or some shite like that. There is perhaps a parallel universe out there with lots of "players" and there can only be a handful of the actual programmers who know everything there is about the game.
I guess that sounds really fatalistic and we really shouldn't talk like this because there is nothing we can do anyway.
But what we can do is maybe *win* some sort of key/right to pass GO so as to maybe get on to the next level; to see what is in store for us "on the other side."
posted by Sharon K at 10:21 am


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