It stands for everything that's been lost
Monday, May 27, 2002
I've been trying to figure how to fully utilise the empty left-hand column in the blog. Apparently, I've got it narrowed down to something about a (tr) tag or something like that: the problem is that I dont know where to stick it [preferably up someone's arse cos I'm really getting pissed at this html shite]. I've been reading the new help system but it didnt seem to help much. And trying to figure it out by going through someone else's blog seems a little intrusive, though I know they are probably there to be read anyway. It's weird going through a stranger's blog. I try to imagine what kind of person s/he is by going through the design, layout, colours, font (and even font size!).. it's just so easy to pigeon-hole someone but if someone tries to do the same to me, I'd probably get pissed.. and if the person actually hits the nail on the head, I think I'll be quite upset. Imagine laying out your life for everyone to see, judge and then tossed aside!

posted by Sharon K at 8:14 am


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