It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
The war is ON. I woke up with the full force of the bloody sun in my face! It was supposed to rain! The weather tricked me! Jeannie says that I can't make a pact like this and expect to win. I did not even see a goddamn cloud today at all. This is horrible. I tried to "utilise" my time properly by reading but the weather was so inconducive that I fell asleep after a while. And woke up at almost 7 I think. Time sure goes by in a flash when your brain is fried. Space-Time sure doesn't feel the same when its shit weather. But what can I do? The weather is just a big bully with no sympathies for the brain-fried. The war is ON but I don't know what I can do. I was thinking maybe the weather is taking revenge for the animals and plants that we have directly or indirectly destroyed over the years. Sigh. But I'm really HOT! It's almost 1.30 in the morning but I really wanted to finish the Myth of Sisyphus. I'm reading the chapter about death and absurdity and it's very interesting how Camus works his entire premise of death, suicide and murder on the wispy notion of hope. Hmmm.
posted by Sharon K at 10:17 am


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