It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, June 28, 2002
It's amazing what a nice song can do to one's spirits. I came home today feelin really tired but I am feeling so much better simply howling to Echobelly's Insomniac. It's a really old song from back in the "90's." One of them old Brit bands that somehow went bust in the 21st century. It's a nice sing-a-long song that one can just howl along. I like songs that I can sing along to, in some where or the other.
It's such an accidental thing too. I mean, I just switch on the player on my computer and it happened to be the first song to be played. Let's see what else is playing.

Oh it's this really nice French oldie. Its called "sympathique."
The lyrics go something like this.
je ne veut pas travailler
je ne veut pas dejuner
je veut seulement obelier
et puis je fume.

The translation goes something like this:
I don't want to work
I don't want to eat
I only want to forget
And so I smoke.

posted by Sharon K at 5:40 am


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