It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, June 29, 2002
An ok day by far, I guess. was feeling pretty lousy when I get up in the morning to get to work (yes I have to work Saturdays) but am feeling great right now. I think this may be due to happy songs churning out from my stereo system. Happy songs = Happy mood.

Today's match between Korea and Turkey was really great. Who has ever heard of anyone scoring a goal in under 10 seconds?? I think it was the captain, Sukar (?) who did it. I was walking across the street with my friend and there was a mob of people in front of the big screen TV and we watched it for a while. It's unbelievable. The commentator said that the Turks are the "forgotten sons of football." Or something like that anyway. Good thing the Turks won too. They deserved it.

Yay! It's Sunday!
A good day to chill, laze around the house.
There's the match between Brazil and Germany to look forward to.
I think my money will be down on Germany. I like them.

posted by Sharon K at 9:29 am


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