It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
I realise that I spend an obscene amount of time almost each day before I leave the house choosing the CDs that will accompany me in the journey to work. I hadn't given it much thought before but now I realise that I had better do something about it before I go mad trying to rush for the bus and sneaking into the office late.

Let's analyse why it seems so difficult choosing commuter music:
It seems that the main problem for me at least, is to choose the music that will complement the mood I'm currently in.
Problem: Sometimes, you just don't know what mood you are in. And if you try and analyse it too much, you lose the mood itself.

I've tried on several occasions to just randomly select whatever CD my fingers go through. But this definitely does not work. Because if you should choose a CD that's "wrong," you are going to be stuck with it the entire time you are squashed like a sardine in a train. Anyone who's taken a train during the morning rush before should understand the sheer difficulty (or near impossibility) of changing a CD in your discman while trying desperately hanging on to a pole and not revealing the contents of your bag to bored and curious fellow commuters.

On good days, I wake up with a song already in mind. It's cool cos I know what CD I'm going to bring. Therefore, there's not going to be the frustrating 20 minute STARE into my CD collection. Everything seems planned out nicely. It's cool cos you know you are going to be a better mood in the commute, the transitory stage between my little world and the big bad world of work awaiting me, and maybe the big bad world of work would be easier to bear.

On bad days however, none of my CDs feel right. None of them will be able to bridge my safe world to that of work. I need to feel that I'm empowered somehow I guess. If you add up the amount of time I spend choosing these essential life-preserving CDs, and convert it to the miserable hourly wages I'm getting, I will be able to afford any number of CDs of my fancy.

I have decided that to stop being frustrated and more importantly, late for work, I need a little stack of CDs that will "weather" any mood I'm in in the mornings. So if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

posted by Sharon K at 11:10 am


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