I'm hacking my lungs out here. I have been sick from Tuesday till now. It's the kind that rips your throat apart every time you cough. It hurts like hell! But I only went to the doctor today cos i was just feeling like "thats it. i'm going to die hacking like a mad woman, but i'm not going to die in this hell hole!" and harump, cough, hack and off i went to the doc.
Nothing much happened: i've been in and out several fevers so my senses may have been irreparably dulled already.
I've been really stubborn too. My parents nagged and nagged for the past 3 days for me to see the doc but i just didnt feel like it. All I wanted was to stay where i was. You know that kind of feeling where you are so ill that you refuse to move an inch, even if it is to seek help? I may have been dulled by the fever but that was what i felt..
Kinda sick huh?!
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