It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, August 20, 2002
I'm in the middle of my viewing assignment for film class when I realise I need a distraction of sorts, otherwise i will go mad. I understand the importance of film theory and everything, but to me, film is just so much of a "intuitive" thing that to break it all down and analyse it just defeats the entire point of watching a film.

I also kinda regretted suggesting the movie Amélie for the week. It's just that i like the movie so much that analysing it to see how it actually works just kills it for me. My assignment requires me to choose a single event in the movie, in my case I've chosen the tin box episode, and analyse its consequences on both plot and character development, with particular reference to a film theory. I watched the movie several times before but to watch and stop and go again is painful! I don't even have a goddamn argument at the moment. What i'm doing is simply recounting the episode of the tin box hoping that somewhere along the way, I'll get an epiphany of sorts and miraculously finish my paper by Friday..

Right now, I'm contemplating whether to skip this whole bloody thing and go downtown to Borders and get the latest Adbusters magazine. According to furnace, there is a excellent fiction piece by Douglas Coupland. I have to get it! And when my pay comes in for the month, I'm also getting the new Coupland title from Chapters. Yay!!
posted by Sharon K at 10:28 pm


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