It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Check out American Film Institute's List of Top 100 Greatest American Movies of all time. If you are really free (like me, but of cos I'm supposed to do loads of readings!), go figure out how many you have actually watched. I have only watched a miserable 35. I'm off to the video store!

Here's a shorter list to get you started:
1. Citizen Kane
2. Casablanca
3. The Godfather (but of cos!)
4. Gone with the Wind
5. Lawrence of Arabia
6. The Wizard of Oz
7. The Graduate
8. On the Waterfront
9. Schindler's List
10. Singin' in the Rain
11. It's a Wonderful Life
12. Sunset Boulevard
13. The Bridge on River Kwai
14. Some like it Hot
15. Star Wars

Frankly speaking, I dont think much of Citizen Kane. But maybe that's cos I had to watch it for the film class and I watched it after lunch when I was feeling real drowsy..
Some odd inclusions in the list: Dances with Wolves (No. 75: even though its probably Costner's best film, it's still not very good. The scenery is cool though). It's ranked higher than Unforgiven (No. 98)!! The injustice!

Please voice out all other injustices in the comments.
posted by Sharon K at 6:57 am


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