It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, September 27, 2002

If Elbows Could Kill

Presentation went ok I guess. The lecture room was really really cold (plus it has been raining the entire day) and I stammered at some point during the presentation and there were some points where I was going real fast.
But other than that, it's ok I think

Well, to celebrate, I went out for dinner with my friends. It was a nice little Japanese restuarant but we were almost eaten alive by mosquitoes. We had to sit outside partly cos the Japanese restaurant is really little :)

But there was this big group of Japanese sitting near us. There were like maybe 12 people and it's someone's birthday. The thing is: they were taking SO MANY pictures of each other. Just imagine 12 people so I guess there is a significant amount of permutations possible if everyone takes pictures with everyone else. And there were group pictures too. There were so many flashes going off that we thought we were going to be blind soon.

We have no money after dinner to go for drinks :( so we called it a night. While taking the train home (no money for cabs as well) however, there were so many people in the train that elbows were seriously flying everywhere and jutting into everyone's sides. I hate crowds! And trains too!

posted by Sharon K at 9:00 am


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