It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Lesson of the Day: Maturity does not come with age.

There is this guy who works with me and 2 other girls in the same office (or rather, pig-pens) and he's already a dad with 2 kids. You would imagine that dads with 2 kids are usually more mature, but he throws tantrums like he's a 10 year old kid who can't get his way. He throws things too! We tried talking to him (actually in my case, I yell at him: I'm not the most patient person around) but he just doesnt get it. Because the other girls and I are good friends-cum-colleagues (i actually dont mind going out with them after work), he gets affected by our comraderie and complains that we dont like him. We don't!

God! I feel like telling him to GROW UP!
I'm working with you, but that doesn't mean I have to like you.

This reminds me of a movie that I watched years ago, called Clerks. I love that show. Hey, maybe I should base my final project on Clerks! Hmmmm...


<excellent show!

posted by Sharon K at 9:26 am


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