It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, October 11, 2002
From Friday Five:
(I'm going to take the plunge!)
1. If you could only choose 1 cd to ever listen to again, what would it be?
God I have no IDEA! I spent a good 20 minutes going through my cds to see if anything fits. Can we switch this with no. 5? I dont need to talk to as many people.

2. If you could only choose 2 movies to watch ever again, what would they be?
I do like High Fidelity alot, and i watched it maybe 3 times so that's one down.
erm.. maybe Amelie too. It is a good funny show.

3. If you could only choose 3 books to read ever again, what would they be?
First of all, I will die if I have only 3 books to read. But if I have to choose, then maybe
i. Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground
ii. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye
iii. Coupland, Life after God.
Since they are such short books, I am going to read everything by the above-listed authors to make it fairer.

4. If you could only choose 4 things to eat or drink ever again, what would they be?
i. water
ii. my mama's curry
iii. bread (i like them a lot)
iv. noodles (esp dumpling noodles: they are excellent!)

5. If you could only choose 5 people to ever be/talk/associate/whatever with ever again, who would they be?
Now seriously, I dont need to talk to so many people.
But probably, my dad/mum/brother
my good friend whom I've known since 11/ and.... see, I cant even think of anyone! That's one slot wasted!

posted by Sharon K at 9:53 am


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