It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
I just finished my first paper. I wish I knew how it really went, but frankly, I dont even know how to start. The first section was not too bad, at least I sorta know what I'm talking about but it went downhill for the second and last section. I think it should be not too bad but it's not going to be great.

I have another paper on Friday but that's an open book paper so that's a relief. It's on film and narration so that can't be too bad as well.

In other news, I realise the other day that the book I have ordered from abebooks has not arrived and the stupid part is I have ordered that 2 months ago!! I emailed the bookseller and was told that yes I'm right, the book should have arrived years ago, and that I should contact abebooks for a refund. Now this is very irritating cos firstly, he did not offer any apologies whatsoever, and second, he does not even suggest anything constructive at all. Damn it! I need that book for my dissertation as well.

Anyone else has horror stories like these?
posted by Sharon K at 2:51 am


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