It stands for everything that's been lost
Sunday, November 24, 2002
i was feeling really bored so i thought to occupy myself by burning some compilation cds for myself and friends today. I wanted to keep my mind off things (the all-important thing is to keep my mind off thinking about how i have to wake up at 7 in the morning to go to work tomorrow!! aarrggg!).

well, i wished i had the patience to label each track properly and put them into neat, organised folders, and of cos i dont cos i almost killed myself doing it. It's really hard! I mean, I'm anal-retentive sometimes when i can be bothered (oh dear, that just sounded like a contradiction) but this is just beyond me. I have about 900 tracks on kazaa and it will take me till forever to get them sorted out.
posted by Sharon K at 7:36 am


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