It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Today is the day!
My friends and I managed to get tickets online for the LOTR: The Two Towers preview tonight!

I got to thinking the other day while watching a rerun of Star Wars: A New Hope that how structurally similar they seem to be:

Star Wars: A New Hope vs. LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
Luke Skywalker vs. The Hobbits Frodo/ Sam
Han Solo vs. Aragon the Strider
Princess Leia vs Arwen (?)
R2D2/ C3PO vs. The Hobbits Merry/ Pippin
Darth Vader vs. Sauron
Obiwan/Yoda vs Gandalf
what else?

That's all I came up with at the moment. But I'm sure there are loads of other similarities out there.
By the way, I wanted to set up the above comparison in a table but I dont know how to do it in HTML. Can anyone enlighten me please? (mike?)

*Thanks so much Mike for the help! I really appreciate it.*
posted by Sharon K at 7:32 pm


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