It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, February 08, 2003
Taking Pictures

I like the idea of taking pictures of the things/objects/ buildings that one finds aesthetically pleasing. It is not only a memento, a record, if you like, of the things that have affected you in a deep fundamental way, but it is also a good way to check yourself (rather forcefully I may add) in the mad rush of life. It forces you to physically stop and consider the picture-worthiness of a particular object or building. In this way, I think, one is at a better position to appreciate life at a slower pace: to see through the world through the lens as it were.

On the other hand, I also think of the ridiculous, non-thinking snaps that tourists (not travellers! big difference) sometimes take on their trips. Before they could even take in the sights, they are already snapping away, and thus losing the moment that the sight offers. Worse still, they pose around the building/site/whatever with only the intention to record a "I've been here...have you?" just so they can show them off when they get home.

It makes me wonder if they are actually taking pictures for a memento, or if they are desperately trying to capture the instantaneous and fleeting feeling when confronted with an awe-inspiring or just interesting site, or if they are merely taking pictures to rub them in whoever's faces when they get back from their holidays.

the side of a building shot at a weird angle

the skylight

On a totally random note, does anyone know the html that allows readers to "refresh for more" quotes? Please let me know.

posted by Sharon K at 3:43 am


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