It stands for everything that's been lost
Monday, April 07, 2003
I've been actually on leave from beginning of April and will be going back to work this Friday. It's still a couple of days away but already I feel dread. It's not so much I hate work (although it does suck quite a bit of times) so much as I hate the thought of work. It's not that bad once you get settled in with a coffee and bagel for breakfast and gossip a little with fellow colleagues.

I actually took the days off to work on my thesis, which sadly, is not going as good as I hope. The funny thing is, I think I work better under pressure. You would probably never see me work on anything unless it's due a couple of days from now. But I've been told that I think and write better when I'm stressed like that. Weird, innit?
posted by Sharon K at 8:59 pm


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