It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The Slacker Life

There are, undeniably, benefits and perks working in a book/music store. I will be the first to admit that. It's a good feeling knowing that that latest CD/book that's coming out next week/month is definitely yours, if you want it, before it even reaches the shelves. And when you are friends of the people responsible for taking the stuff out of the actual cartons, that makes it even easier to get hold of the stuff you want. You no longer have to do the looking yourself! For me, what I do is, I have a list of the stuff I want (most of the cds listed below are on it) and I pass it to them and when they come across it--which they inevitably do--they will put them aside for me. And when you are on really good terms, sometimes, they will pass promo copies of the new releases along as well! Same for magazines. I get them in pristine condition, should I want them, before they get pounced upon by crazy customers. Normally, I would flip through them from friends who bought them, or in the backroom.

Of course, however, work is work is work after all. No matter how good the perks are, there are loads of bad moments as well. I'm not going to articulate them here but they mostly have to do with the management. Customers are not that bad (notice that I'm saying this with the greatest of reluctance): they are a pain in the arse, but you will eventually get off your shift, light up a cigarette, have dinner with fellow colleagues, go home, and forget all about it.

Now, if only they pay me more, this life would almost be live-able.

p.s: thanks melissa, for the kazaa hack.
posted by Sharon K at 10:46 pm


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