It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, April 25, 2003
Fight Test, Flaming Lips

You know you've made it big when...

I was roaming round HMV today and picked up this EP. My favourite track is No. 7, Thank You Jack White (for the Fiber-Optic Jesus That You Gave Me). I laughed out loud when I heard it at the listening station (and if I can hear my own laughter over the headphones with the volume cranked up and the usual stuff they were playing in the store itself, I must have been pretty damn loud, which would account for a couple of weird stares my way). It's basically what it says it is: a tribute to Mr. Jack White of the White Stripes.

From their website (you can also listen to the track there):

'Thank You Jack White' is a straight ahead country confessional in the style of Johnny Cash et al. Straightforward though the music may be, with pedal steel and jangling guitar, it just happens to be the tale of how Jack White (of White Stripes fame, and who Wayne didn't really know too well at the time) gave Wayne a fiber-optic Jesus backstage at one of the Beck shows, thus thoroughly cheering up the Lips. This particular fiber-optic Jesus was so shiny and bright that Wayne, "Couldn't help believing it would save me." Suffice to say, the song goes on to espouse the positive good time feeling that comes from hanging around the White Stripes.

I've always admired The Flaming Lips for their originality and cool, sometimes random lyrics. In my own little way, this post is to thank the Lips for making an otherwise mundane, and actually not-very-good day a bearable one.
posted by Sharon K at 10:26 am


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