It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, October 18, 2003
I watched Kill Bill last night, and it is gory good fun! Granted, the movie borders on the side of campy with its excessive blood and gore, but if you think about Tarentino's preoccupation with Chinese and Japanese cinema/ media (especially the Japanese manga), it is quite alright. In fact, I thought the manga bit was more violent than the other "real" bits.

I get the sense that Tarentino was actually having fun in the show, cos if hehad taken himself seriously, the movie would have bombed big time.
posted by Sharon K at 12:38 am
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Wednesday, October 15, 2003

the matrix: anticipation

this had better be good
I just spent the last half hour in front of the computer,
trying to secure tickets to Matrix Revolutions which is opening worldwide simultaneously (trust them to come up with a marketing scheme like that) on Nov 5. I have several windows of the different movie houses opened, trying to get the tickets.

One of them has a contest where you can win cash, goodie bags, posters, etc. Very tempting, but they are only showing the movie on Nov. 6 (talk about simultaneous). Another one is all sold out!! I panicked, cos they only started advance booking today and it's only 12 something in the afternoon! (oops, now you guys know what time I woke up)

Finally, I had to settle for a screening half an hour later. I had really wanted to be among the first to catch the movie but I'm consoling myself thinking at least I dont have to wake up at god-forsaken hours to catch the movie at 6 am (L.A. screening time).
posted by Sharon K at 9:33 pm
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An overhaul is in order. Watch this space.
posted by Sharon K at 12:28 am
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Thursday, October 09, 2003
In a valiant effort to get my resume together, I decided to get a "more professional" email account. "scornfate" isn't exactly the right impression I want to get across to a potential employer, is it?

Anyways, I went and got myself a german-based account (the gmx website). It was so difficult! I was sitting in front of the computer trying to figure out the account set-up page for close to an hour!

For starters, they want you to have a valid German, Austrian or Swiss postal address.. and you can't get away with just entering some numbers at random. They actually know! I was really fed up with the process, and in the end, I got me the address of Goethe Institute in Frankfurt (I figured that if the birthplace of Goethe himself is not valid, then nothing in the world will be) and hey presto! I got me a nice email account.

I must say though, the whole process was quite an ordeal...

P.S: I'm getting bored with the present template (which may explain the lack of inspiration to blog). Does anyone has any ideas?
posted by Sharon K at 1:21 am
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Thursday, October 02, 2003
I'm doing more thinking about jobs. Is it better to have a job that has no relation to what you have studied and thus it's possible to keep your personal life away from work, or to have a job that you totally love, and thus inseparable from your personal life?

Does anyone have any clues?
posted by Sharon K at 6:37 am
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You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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