It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

the matrix: anticipation

this had better be good
I just spent the last half hour in front of the computer,
trying to secure tickets to Matrix Revolutions which is opening worldwide simultaneously (trust them to come up with a marketing scheme like that) on Nov 5. I have several windows of the different movie houses opened, trying to get the tickets.

One of them has a contest where you can win cash, goodie bags, posters, etc. Very tempting, but they are only showing the movie on Nov. 6 (talk about simultaneous). Another one is all sold out!! I panicked, cos they only started advance booking today and it's only 12 something in the afternoon! (oops, now you guys know what time I woke up)

Finally, I had to settle for a screening half an hour later. I had really wanted to be among the first to catch the movie but I'm consoling myself thinking at least I dont have to wake up at god-forsaken hours to catch the movie at 6 am (L.A. screening time).
posted by Sharon K at 9:33 pm


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