It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, November 07, 2003


You know, it's irritating when you see an unfamiliar word, check it up in the dictionary, and then promptly forget about it right after you close the dictionary. This is especially so if you are using a REAL dictionary, and not the online version. After lugging the big-ass dictionary onto your lap, or table and ploughing through the entries, the last thing you'd want is to forget the meaning of the word right after you snap it shut. (There was this time I actually FORGOT about the word I was supposed to check up, being distracted by all these other words that I don't know...but that's another story).

I sort of got to thinking how nice it will be if one has a "personalised" dictionary or something; one filled with words you don't know, and have taken the trouble to check it up. I decided to do something about it: I took a old notebook and stick little post-its so that it's alphabetised and organised. And from now on, I endeavour to write down the meanings of the words I don't know right there.
posted by Sharon K at 6:45 pm


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