It stands for everything that's been lost
Sunday, February 01, 2004

comic of the week

(actually it is last week's comic but I've been meaning to put it up anyways)

When I first read this comic, I laughed and thought "how true!" but then the laughter subsided and I realised that it's really more sad than funny. How many people nowadays only communicate via their computers/ mobile phones/ machines in general? Maybe I should say instead: How many people prefer to hide behind the machines? There just isn't so much "face time" anymore. And the sad thing is: nobody seemed to really mind.

For example, I spent the whole of today finishing up Kundera's Slowness (it's excellent!) and Chevalier's Girl with a Pearl Earring (which is a surprisingly good read) with the bare minimum of human contact and only the books and my iPod for company. And when my bf called after work to apologise for not calling during the day, I hadn't even noticed!

Anyways, putting that thought aside, I stumbled across the quirkyalone website. Its intention is to provide a online community for quirkyalones ("people who resist the tyranny of coupledom. Oddly enough, they also tend to be romantics").

Take the quiz to find out if you are a quirklyalone: Here's my score:
How quirkyalone are you?
Your score was 81. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether):
You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting.
posted by Sharon K at 8:00 am


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