It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, February 28, 2004
There isn't much a recovering convalescent can do in this bloody hot weather at home except to sleep it off. But it's too hot right now to even do that! (it's 33 degrees C outside). Everything seems to have come to a total standstill around the house. Nobody really wants to do anything; it's as if the heat has stymied all thoughts and movements.

So here I am, hanging around the net for no particular reason. Actually I'm fussing over the playlists/ ratings of the songs I have on iTunes so that everything can be categorised properly into the iPod. It's hard work I tell you, rating so many songs.
It's almost 3 in the afternoon, and it's absolutely blazing outside. Ihad wanted to go check out the Adidas Warehouse Sale in town but I don't think so now.
If only there is better tv programming on weekends!
posted by Sharon K at 10:56 pm


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