It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Kill Bill 2: The Bride is Back

(Spoiler ahead)
Alright, I finally watched the show today. I don't know if it's all the hype and anticipation that got all my expectations sky-high, but I felt strangely let down. Well, first things first, it was a really good show; I would even say one of the better shows this year. The cinematography is excellent, and you get to see all of Quentin Tarantino's influences, like film noir, the chinese martial arts cinema, the revenge genre etc. And he mixes them really well together. I particularly like the Chapter with Pai Mei (?) The actor is actually a regular in Hongkong swordfighting martial arts drama/ movies. QT got all the details right: the suffering disciple made to bring up buckets of water up endless flights of stairs; the humiliation and suffering of the disciple, the satisfaction of the Teacher when he sees progress etc.


Despite all that, there was just too much talk in the show. I don't know why but I really liked the mindless violent bloodbath that was Vol. 1. It was different, refreshing even. But I guess ends have to be tied up in the end and to his credit, QT did it fine. And the soundtrack rocks too!
posted by Sharon K at 9:45 am


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