Blogger Problems
There seems to be some problems with the server at Blogger's. I can't seem to load the page on my browser. If anyone can see this post, please drop me an email: sharon.koh at Thanks
It's been a real hectic week. And I'm not talking about the new job. It's
adjusting to the new job adn all that it entails that is really wearing me down. I've never been this tired and sick of life. Whenever I think about this having to last me till I fucking retire, I just get a bit sick. People here, although nice, seem to belong to another planet. The pace here is very slow, and that, in a way, adds more toll to my body than anything else. I've always thought that I will be content with a desk-bound job (and incidentally, I can just feel myself getting fatter every minute I sit my arse down); one that sufficiently wrings out enough time for me to do my own thing at my own time. But this sadly, is not coming up as planned. The commute, as I have mentioned earlier, is killing me, despite being to get a seat everyday adn hence snatching a little much-needed nap for at least 50 minutes on the train. It's just not working out the way I wanted. But then, since when has life happened the way it's planned?
I'm beginning to think that I'm meant for other thigns. They may not necessarily be better but I just need them to be at a better-suited pace.
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