It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, May 18, 2004

First Day

It turned out better than I've expected. Everyone is super-nice to me and it's always nice to have everything set up for you already, so you don't look like a total idiot, running around for the "right" person to ask. The people here are making me feel comfortable too so I'm really glad for that.

Two things though: My feet are literally killing me because the loafers I've bought are so stiff; they haven't been broken in yet. The good thing is I've been told that people here don't actually follow a strict dress code so long you don't look sloppy or smell like you haven't bathed for 10 years. That's the best news I've had today: I'm definitely getting the Pumas I've mentioned in an earlier post. But probably not today though: I'm so dead tired; I can collapse right now, if not for the copious amount of coffee I'm consuming. I should just have the coffee intravenously fed to me.

The second thing is the distance i have to travel to get to work. I have to work up at 6 in the morning! And that only gives me enough time to bathe, change, get on the train and get a cup of black coffee and have a much-needed cigarette.

That will definitely take a lot to adjust to.

posted by Sharon K at 12:32 am


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