It stands for everything that's been lost
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Lazy Day today

Oh no, you're always so sleepy- the Garfield who
naps the whole day long! Wake up, won't you?

What Garfield Personality do you Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

via Kristin.

The good thing about working for the university, as with all government bodies is the fact that there's a strong emphasis on staff and their development. This morning, after dragging myself up at 6, I had to go for a half-day Orientation Programme. God! It was excruciatingly boring! I udnerstand the intentions behind it, blah blah blah, but it needn't be THIS long. I'm definitely no good in the mornings for meetings with strangers-you-will-never-see again (actually make that the whole day, not just the mornings) and after all the names, faces, videos, slideshows, and goodness knows what, I'm all but drained. I don't believe I'm actually saying this but I'd rather be working my arse off.

posted by Sharon K at 10:54 pm


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