It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

What is happening to the world!

Because I'm more or less at my computer at work everyday, I'm reading more and more news online. And it saddens me. Take for example, the controversy over Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. It hasn't opened in my area yet, but there's already a red circle around Aug 5 on my desk calendar.

Well, I would have thought it common sense to only criticise something--anything--only after one has read all the facts. Granted, it's not possible to read everything before one offers his/her opinion, but it sure comes across as dumb to bitch about a film before you have even watched it. I was surprised at an article by an Observer film reviewer:

I'll be reviewing the film in full when it opens here in a couple of weeks, but suffice to say that it was neither the sharpest, the funniest nor the most politically potent documentary screened at Cannes this year.

In it, he was making more noise about the publicity surrounding Moore, and how he is more or less a media whore (my term) about Fahrenheit. I don't know if it has ever crossed the reviewer's mind that maybe the only way Moore is able to "educate" the public in this media-frenzy world, is to make some noise of his own. His methods may not be pretty but it sure gets the message across, doesn't it?

I'm not an American, but I'm curious about how the US Elections will turn out. From Karen's blog, I have been
reading a forum board about the Moore film. I don't think it is my place to criticise anything that I haven't seen but you'd think that if you want to bitch about something, the least you could do is have a coherent argument first! These people are calling him fat and idiotic and "ungrateful heathen." I mean, come on! Are we still in the school yard?
i dont have a problem with his weight. i jus have a problem with his attitude. if he dosent like the gov't then get out of the country or run for Prez and win. he needs to be thankful he has a gov't that allows him to bash the Prez. he is nothing moe than an ungrateful heathen!

would like start off by saying that mr. happy funtime can suck my conservative bush-supporting ****. your an idiot to all are delight. fahrenheit 9/11 is nothing more than a liberal movie, for young voters to vote for kerry. well i will be voting for bush. im 18, and i know that moore is nothing more than a fat idiot that pays his wife to sleep with him.

All I can say is, if you don't have a coherent argument, at least run a spellcheck over what you are going to bitch.
posted by Sharon K at 8:30 pm
(3) comments
Saturday, June 26, 2004

Pre-Monday, Sunday-Afternoon Blues

You are Lime.
You are quirky and misunderstood. You are
definitely your own person. You don't let
anyone tell you who you should be. You never
sell out your values and beliefs, no matter
what. However, you can sometimes have trouble
fitting in, but only because you are
Most Compatible With: Wintergreen

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted by Sharon K at 11:21 pm
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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Getting to know you...101

Nicked from Mike:
How to:

Make me cry: I cry quite easily actually; it doesn't take much.

Inflate my ego: telling me i'm right.. all the time.

Piss me off: be late without first telling me.

Gain my respect: explain something abstract in simple terms

Spark my interest: enthusiasm about anything

Drive me insane: interrupt me when I'm forming my thoughts.

Get what you want from me: be really sweet and nice, Ps & Qs etc.

Make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside: do something nice out of the blue, for no special reasons (guilt trips don't count)

Piss me off (II): too many to list

Surprise me: be understanding

Get on my shit list: oh this is easy but there isn't enough space in my top 10 now.

Melt my heart: a hand-written (nice) letter, via snail mail.

posted by Sharon K at 11:23 pm
(0) comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Linkin Park

There will be a open-air Linkin Park concert next Tuesday, and I've taken a half-day leave in anticipation of it. But right now, I really don't know if I should go. First off, the tickets are really expensive: S$150 for the mosh pit, S$85 for the free-standing ones (behind the mosh pit). Here's the thing: I'm really short and the concert being a open-air event, I'm not going to be able to see much at all, and I don't fancy the thought of sweaty bodies elbowing into mine in the mosh pit either. (eeww)

And I dont think the acoustics are goign to be good at all, being an open-air event and all. How? AND, I'm not really a fan of LP, sometimes they are alright for Angry Bastard Mood (TM) [can someone teach me how to enter (tm) the proper way, please?] but other times, they get boring.

Should I go?
posted by Sharon K at 8:21 pm
(5) comments
Sunday, June 13, 2004

Something to blog about

Thanks Kristiv.

Which Family Guy character are you?

Someone, anyone, give me somethign to blog about. Please.
posted by Sharon K at 10:34 pm
(0) comments
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Comme ci comme ca

Hello everyone. I'm beginning to settle down in my daily routine of waking up at 6. It's easy to just plop down in the train and sleep the entire journey away. The days are all merging into one now and I have trouble telling the days apart. Everyday I look forward to the next and so on. It's not that the job is horrible or anything like that. It's actually quite alright. Granted, editing papers to be published gets on your nerves alot but it's something I think I can adapt to.

There doesn't seem to be anything worth reporting, other than the dismal state of affairs in the world. Everywhere I see instances of Bush's arrogance and stupidity. I cannot believe that he still has the gall to go for a second term! At times like this, I'm reminded of a nice quote from Einstein:
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

posted by Sharon K at 10:44 pm
(3) comments
Saturday, June 05, 2004

Weekend Notes

It's the weekend. And the weather here has a penchant of raining on work mornings while trying its darnest best to be hot like hell on the weekends. Nothing much happened today; I did crash at 9 pm last night and woke up in time to watch Coupling, which I mistakenly took for the UK one. Instead they were showing the crappy, and I really do mean CRAPPY U.S. version. Why in god's name do they think that they would do as well as the UK version with the exact same words in a different accent!!?? This is well beyond my understanding and I spent the time finishing my Murakami (Wild Sheep Chase) instead.

While admittedly it was not as good as Norwegian Wood but Wild Sheep Chase still has the classic Murakami touch: the irreverence, the sudden plot twists, the lone male in a new environment..etc. It was still pretty good though, although I very much prefer Norwegian Wood. Next up, I will be reading Dance Dance Dance. This won't be available at the school library so I guess I have to shell out money for it.

On a happier note, I got my Northern Exposure DVD! And god! the parka packaging is out of this world!! Although admittedly, it really is quite expensive considering the 1st season of NE had only 8 episodes. And the interior of the DVD really is cheap-looking. There aren't any nice inlays detailing the history of the series, for example. It looked like a bootleg, in fact! But then I'm mindful that gripes are not acceptable here. I did wait for so long for the DVD Boxset, and here's to more boxed seasons of NE to come!
posted by Sharon K at 4:15 am
(4) comments
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Help! Something New is Needed

Ever since I started working, I realise I had more and more time on the work computer and it's getting boring. Other than going on my usual rounds of blogs, emails, the Guardian, and some music sites, I need some more topics to get interested in, on a daily basis. Does anyone have any suggestions? Where do you guys go to get your daily I-need-to-Know fix?

The criteria is simple: It has to be interesting, and preferably updated daily or at least on a regular basis.
posted by Sharon K at 8:41 pm
(4) comments

You can reach me at scornfate at gmail dot com, if you can be arsed.

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