It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, September 01, 2004


I had previously thought that the hardest part to the breakup would be the constant self-loathe and questioning, as well as the incessant cryings. But it's not. It's harder to pick yourself up once you've gone to pieces. I have no desire to cry anymore, not that i have the energy to but I just don't know what to do after all that. I'm more or less accustomed to the fact that everything is set and done and nothing can be changed. But there's just this void ahead that I feel as though I have to traverse in blind faith.

Sometimes I feel that I've been led into a false sense of security that I'm fine. Not thinking about things doesn't make them go away. And they do come back with a vengeance. I know. I know. Everyone goes through that. Maybe it's worse now because I feel I've lost a friend as well. But the bridge has already been burnt ("burn, motherfucker, burn").

posted by Sharon K at 8:34 pm


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