It stands for everything that's been lost
Monday, September 13, 2004

The Songscapes Series: Part I

There are some songs that just conjure up a specific mood and atmosphere every time you listen to them. My current re-obsession is Sigur Ros's () album. I've always liked it alot but it's one of those things that really grow on you. My favourite track right now is Untitled #3 (a.k.a. Samskeyti attachment). Every time I play it, I feel as if I have been transported to another place, instead of being stuck in a crowded train (or insert mundane everyday circumstance).

I'd close my eyes and imagine myself to be on a ship/boat in the middle of the Antarctic surrounded by towering icebergs and glaciers and floating ice sheets. The water will be sinisterly dark but in perfect contrast to the icebergs. Everything is still and peaceful; there's noone around. The boat will go slowly but purposefully to avoid any accidents. I think it's the danger of it all that makes it so starkingly beautiful. I can feel the chill on my face even though I'm all wrapped up. It's the feeling of being alive. In a quiet way. In my own way.
posted by Sharon K at 8:26 pm


Blogger Unknown said...

Beautifully written. Sigúr Rós would be proud.

4:07 pm  
Blogger Sharon K said...

Thanks! :)

5:11 am  

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