It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Songscapes Series: Part II

To be read together with the following: Explosions in the Sky, First Breath After Coma. Click here for a download link:

When the first chords trickle in, she opened her eyes and wondered where she is. From where she's lying in the bed, the rain looks like another layer of glass through which the outlines of the buildings outside seem distorted, almost fluid against a reddening sky. But the music... it's becoming such a part of the rain that she almost forgets about its existence. Unlike the rain, it is subtle and unobtrusive.

It seemed to her that the rain and the piece of music belonged together. She could not imagine it without the backdrop of raindrops and she would never listen to another rainstorm without hearing the opening chords. She gets up from the strange but warm bed and decides to find out where it's coming from. The door leads outwards to a long and dark corridor. The floor boards creak under her weight while she gropes along the walls not knowing where she is. She has never been here before yet it feels right to be here.

She suddenly notices, from a distance, a small ray of light streaming through from beneath a closed door. That must be it, she thought, that's where the music is coming from. Her strides began to be less apprehensive and she walked towards it with purpose and resolve. The drums are coming in now and the incessant sound of raindrops is beginning to fade away. Turning the knob, she looks in and is immediately bathed in a light so strong she had to shield her eyes with her hands. When she has finally adjusted to it and looked around the room, there is a smile on her face.

posted by Sharon K at 10:58 pm


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