It stands for everything that's been lost
Saturday, October 09, 2004

il n'ya pas de hors-texte

Jacques Derrida died Friday night at 74.

He is someone I hold in high esteem for a long time now. It's hard to even type right now. I saw the news today and stared at the TV for a long long time. Tears start flowing and I don't even know why. I mean, I dont even know the guy.

But I've been studying him for so long that I do feel as if I do. I didn't like his stuff at first because I didn't know what he was talking about. But studying him for my dissertation has changed everything. He changed the way I looked at things and taught that I shouldn't take things at face value without analysing the underlying structures on which they are based. This is deeper than mere academics; I try to apply whatever I think I know onto life itself, and it's scary to see how his philosophy holds true even beyond the academics.


posted by Sharon K at 8:56 am


Blogger Mike said...

i am not familiar with this fellow. i find most western philosophy to be a bore and totally academic, so perhaps i should give him a read - any recommendations?

8:52 pm  
Blogger Sharon K said...

You can try "Deconstruction in a Nutshell," which I think is available on Amazon. But a better shorter piece to start understanding what deconstruction is is "Letters to a Japanese Friend." I can't really remember which book itappeared in but in it, Derrida tries to explain what deconstruction is to a Japanese professor by describing what deconstruction is NOT. It is surprisingly easy to understand.

9:49 pm  

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