It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, October 22, 2004

Wong Kar Wai is god!

For Mike who asked for a review:

I watched 2046 last night and it was gorgeous! A friend who watched it already suggested that I should only watch it in a pensive mood because it's kind of slow and loops around. The movie is a little slow but once you get into it, it will just sweep you away. The cinematography is so breathtakingly beautiful, you have to excuse the man for taking 5 years with it. And the music is also very good; fits the mood very well. I have to admit though the last 20 min was a little draggy but it's all good nonetheless.

The plot is also a little confusing at times but this is good because it gives me the excuse to watch it again just to clear up some parts. 2046 is supposedly a sequel to In the Mood for Love which I havent watched, so I dont know how much is already assumed in 2046. I think I will get the In the Mood for Love dvd and then watch 2046 again. Oh and I'm in love with Takuya Kimura. Irrevocably.

I got into a discussion with a friend online abt wkw and he thinks that Happy Together is his best film while I was rooting for Chungking Express.

posted by Sharon K at 11:32 pm


Blogger Mike said...

thanks for the review. i think it will be in the US by the end of the year. not sure if it will be "in a theatre near me" though...
about the movie dragging: it is my experience that most movies would be a bit better if trimmed a bit - maybe i have a short attention span - but it is a rare movie that doesn't drag here or there...

9:14 am  

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