It stands for everything that's been lost
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Stab a fork into my eye. please.

So. It's been horribly busy these couple of weeks. I like being busy at work; keeps me from falling asleep and time passes much faster as well. But keep it constant, you know what I'm saying? One day I will not have enough hours in the workday to get through the shit, and the next I will be twiddling my thumbs and playing games like this and this.

You wouldn't believe this but just as I was typing the above paragraph, more work came! And I was planning on going out for coffee and smokes too! Damn,*look busy*. Anyways, I have some pictures posted up at Flickr (on your right), some new, mostly old stuff. Take a look.

The premiere of Amazing Race 6 was shown last night and while I was a big fan of the show, I wished they would find "better" contestants. These people all fit into the show's past prototypes: there's the "father and daughter looking to bond again," the "separated couple who wants to see if they are meant together," the "obnoxious guy" (God! 5 min into the show and I already hate him!), the "couple who wants to know if they are meant to be (bleh)"... you get the idea. How boring!

I was also thinking that I should start writing again but I've always been too lazy. Because of this, I decide that maybe I should detail everything I see, hear or experience coming to work or going home or whatever, and it would be so boring that at some point, my imagination will have to take over.

I'm just thinking.
posted by Sharon K at 9:43 pm


Blogger Mike said...

wow, that's a harsh title...
although sometimes forcing yourself to try writing an remove the block

8:42 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, keeping a diary - and I'm not kidding here - can be a way to keep the creative juices flowing. Force yourself to write every day, for half an hour or just fill up one page with anything - just anything, every day, then you'll start noticing something happening... trust me... (^_^) Just try it - what can possibly happen?

4:41 pm  

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