It stands for everything that's been lost
Friday, December 17, 2004

Forget Google Desktop search, I need one for my head

For someone whose memory is like a sieve, meeting acquaintances and familiar faces on the street is very stressful. There are 2 scenarios.

First scenario: I remember the face but not the name, or the context in which we know each other (ex-schoolmate, acquaintance, ex-colleague, friend of a friend of a friend etc.). This is actually the less stressful of the 2 scenarios cos I'll just go along and chat happily should he/she approach and say hi. And then throughout the conversation, I'll try and pick up things to jog my memory, all the while thinking "who the fuck is this!!?" There have been many times where I was stopped by someone, we chat, and I dont remember who he/she is, and the worst part is, after racking my brains like crazy, I realise that in all probability, he/she thinks I'm someone else and we don't even know each other!

2nd scenario: I manage to put a name to the face, but I can't remember the level of familiarity, that is, how comfortable I was with the person. Today, I met an ex-colleague, and I remember we were quite chummy back when we worked together. We were both walking to the train station and as we chatted, I keep getting the feeling that I probably wasnt that chummy with her, because she kept giving me weird looks when I bitched about work, etc. Then comes the inevitable exchange of name cards. I hate that! I never have mine with me, and I dont understand how people can buy those cases just to put their namecards inside, just in case they meet people on the streets. It's ridiculous!
posted by Sharon K at 4:33 am


Blogger Mike said...

must be getting old...

i have found the same thing esp. since i've started teaching...seeing someone i think i recognize...

the other thing i've found that indicates slippage is word misuse "there" for "their" etc... i NEVER used to make mistakes like that

7:12 am  

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