It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Old and the New

*picture removed*
I found this picture in far worse quality than you see right here. I installed Google's Picasa the other day and it's really easy to touch up pictures now. Not being very good with Photoshop, I can only do so much with it. But Picassa makes it simpler though I would prefer it if it comes with an adjustable degree of control.

First day of CNY tomorrow. Just had reunion dinner with family and it was pretty alright. Must.practise.smiling.more.tomorrow. I hope it's going to be a short day but it's probably going to feel twice as long. Damn it. I'd go stuff my face with more New Year goodies now.

*btw, I have like 10000 geemail invites. Is anyone still interested?
posted by Sharon K at 4:40 am


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