It stands for everything that's been lost
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Something to live for

The new Teenage Fanclub is coming out May 9! This is their new album in like 5 years, no? I'm really happy. Although I probably get the US version from Merge instead of the UK one, even if that means I have to wait till June 7. Hopefully they will have some kind of preorder system. Is there a preorder thing going on for the UK release? I can't find the website for the label PeMa.

The Teenage Fannies mean a lot to me, and my ipod as well. It's one of the few bands that my ipod keeps throwing at me (when in random mode). Its favourite songs? "Mellow Doubt" and "Neil Jung."
posted by Sharon K at 1:14 am


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! chanced upon your blog by mistake. great job though! very well done. wanted to send you a personal email but apparently there wasn't a link. oh well, this will have to do.


2:59 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm. I've heard their name before, but then again, I suck at names, so I've probably heard some tunes from them before. Could you hum something from the old stuff? :-P

11:55 pm  

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